- Dos.Y.M.Sevdimalıyev, Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of a hydroelastic system-A hollow cylinder with inhomogeneous initial stresses and compressible fluid, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences journal ISSN: 1099-1476, Vol: 44, Issue: 9, Page: 7858-7872 (impact factor 2.321,Q1)
- Dos.Y.M.Sevdimalıyev, An inverse boundary value problem for the equation of flexural vibrations of a bar with an inteqral conditions of the first kind, journal of Mathematical Analysis, ISSN: 2217-3412,URL:www.ILIRIAS.COM/JMA,vol 11 Issue 5(2020),pag 1-12
- Dos. M. M.Tağıyev, Приток жидкости к системе скважин в полосообразной залежи,Bakı Universitetinin Xəbərləri Fizika-Riyaziyyat elmləri seriyası №2, 2019,İSSN 1609-0586,s.96-103