- Dos.Y.M.Sevdimalıyev, İçi boş sandviç kürenin doğal titreşim frekanslarına levhalar arası kusurlu temas koşullarının etkisi, 21.Ulusal Mekanik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı TUMTMK Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi 02-06 eylül 2019,səh.342-351
- Dos.Y.M.Sevdimalıyev, The effects of inhomogeneous initial stresses on the oscillation of a multilayered hollow sphere filled with a compressible fluid, 8th International conference on applied analysis and Mathematical Modeling,ICAAMM 2019 March 10-13,2019,Istanbul-Turkey,pag.44
- Dos.Y.M.Sevdimalıyev, Об одной обратной краевой задаче для уравнения поперечных колебаний упругой балки с интегральным условием первого рода, XIV Международная научная конференция «Дифференциальные уравнения и их приложения в математическом моделировании» Саранск,9-12 июля 2019,стр.61-63
- Dos.Y.M.Sevdimalıyev, Mathematical analysis for a condition of the hydrodynamic characteristics, IECMSA -2019 8th International eurasian conference on mathematical sciences and applications,27-30 august 2019,Baku,pag.189
- Dos.Y.M.Sevdimalıyev, Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of a hydroelastic system-a hollow cylinder with inhomogeneous initial stresses and incompressible fluid, IECMSA -2019 8th International eurasian conference on mathematical sciences and applications,27-30 august 2019,Baku,pag.190
- Dos.Y.M.Sevdimalıyev, The interaction of solids and structures with various physical fields,accompanied by a change in their physical –mechanical characteristics, « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku,13-14 december,2018,pag.88-90
- Dos. M. M.Tağıyev, О распространении стационарных волн в составной деформируемой трубке,заполненной вязкой жидкостью, SCIENCE AND WORLD International scientific journal №1 (65),2019,Vol.1,Volgograd,стр.12-14
- Dos. M. M.Tağıyev, On the unique solvability of the korteweg-devries evolution equation and its nonlinearity of diffusion type(KDV), « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku, 13-14 december,2018,pag.55-60
- Dos. M. M.Tağıyev, Nonlinear wavers in two-phase systems, « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku, 13-14 december,2018,pag.98-99
- Dos. M. M.Tağıyev, Distribution of nonlinear waves in saturated porous media with complex rheologies, « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku, 13-14 december,2018,pag.96-97
- Dos. A.B. Əliyev, О приведении решения уравнения штурм-лиувилля к сингулярной граничной задаче для движения несжимаемой жидкости в вязко-упругой трубке, SCIENCE AND WORLD International scientific journal №8 (72),2019,Vol.8,Volgograd,стр. 8-11
- Dos. A.B. Əliyev,Волны в упругой трубке с учетом вязко-упругого трения , Baku Engineering University The role of
- Engineering in innovative development of Azerbaijan:AİMS AND PERSPECTİVES İnternational scientific and practical CONFERENCE,29-30 november 2019,Baku,pag.152-155
- Dos. A.B. Əliyev, The flow of a homogeneous incompressible liquid in the rthotropic tube, « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku, 13-14 december,2018,pag.39-41
- Dos. A.B. Əliyev, The narrowing of the deformable tube with a pulsating fluid flow, « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku, 13-14 december,2018,pag.41-42
- F.r.e.n. X.B. Məmmədov, About the one inverse askfor the equation of transverse oscillation of an elastic beam, « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku, 13-14 december,2018,pag.68-69
- R.ü.f.d.G.M.Salmanova, Mathematical analysis for a condition of the hydrodynamic characteristics, IECMSA -2019 8th International eurasian conference on mathematical sciences and applications,27-30 august 2019,Baku,pag.189
- R.ü.f.d.G.M.Salmanova, Nonlinear wavers in two-phase systems, « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku, 13-14 december,2018,pag.98-99
- R.ü.f.d.G.M.Salmanova, Non-stationary processes on flow of multiphase systems, « Modern problems of innovative technologies in oil and gas production and applied mathematics» proceedings of the international conference dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of academician Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzade, Baku, 13-14 december,2018,pag.80-82
- R.ü.f.d.G.M.Salmanova, Распространения волн в жидкостях,протекающих в деформированных трубах, Актуальные направления научных исследований XXI века: Теория и практика, №1(44),2019,стр.343-345