1. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. Some Comparisons of the Methods Applied to Solving the First Order Integro-Differential Equations, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 423 (2018) 012155
  2. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. A way for finding the relation between of the degree and order for multistep method used to applied to solving of the Volterra integro-differential equation, Wseas transactions on mathematics Volume 17, 2018
  3. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. On a one method for determining the maximum value of the order of the accuracy for the multistep hybrid method which have applied to solving of the Volterra integrodifferential equation of the first order, AIP Conference Proceedings 1982, 020022 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5045428
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