- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. John Butcher and hybrid methods International conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, 2017
- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. İnvestigation of the initial-value problem for the Volterra integro-differential equations with the special structure, International Journal of Modern Communication Technologies & Research (IJMCTR) ISSN: 2321- 0850, Volume-5, Issue-8, August2017
- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. A Way to Construct a Hybrid Forward jumping method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 225,2017
- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. One a way for Constructing hybrid Methods with the Constant Coefficients and their Applied, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 225,2017
- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. о гибридном методе типа с забеганием вперед Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri.N2,2017
- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. применение системы разностных методов к решению нелинейных интегродифференциальных уравнений вольтерра второго порядка, Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri.N3,2017
- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. Solution of the Volterra integrodiferential equation by multi-step methods, Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri.N1,səh.5-14,2017
- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova On the construction of the forüard-jumping method and its application to solving of the Volterra integral equations with symmetric boundaries, Wseas transactions on mathematics Volume 16, 2017
- G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. The construction the new way for the solving of the Volterra integral equations with the symmetric boundaries, International journal of mathematical models and methods in apllied sciences Volume 11, 2017