1. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. John Butcher and hybrid methods International conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics, 2017
  2. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. İnvestigation of the initial-value problem for the Volterra integro-differential equations with the special structure, International Journal of Modern Communication Technologies & Research (IJMCTR) ISSN: 2321- 0850, Volume-5, Issue-8, August2017
  3. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. A Way to Construct a Hybrid Forward jumping method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 225,2017
  4. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. One a way for Constructing hybrid Methods with the Constant Coefficients and their Applied, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 225,2017
  5. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. о гибридном методе типа с забеганием вперед Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri.N2,2017
  6. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. применение системы разностных методов к решению нелинейных интегродифференциальных уравнений вольтерра второго порядка, Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri.N3,2017
  7. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. Solution of the Volterra integrodiferential equation by multi-step methods, Bakı Universitetinin xəbərləri.N1,səh.5-14,2017
  8. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova On the construction of the forüard-jumping method and its application to solving of the Volterra integral equations with symmetric boundaries, Wseas transactions on mathematics Volume 16, 2017
  9. G.Mehdiyeva, V.Ibrahimov, M.Imanova. The construction the new way for the solving of the Volterra integral equations with the symmetric boundaries, International journal of mathematical models and methods in apllied sciences Volume 11, 2017


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