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  2. Telman Gasymov, Ulkar Hashimova, Reyhan Taghiyeva,On the Basicity of Eigenfunctions of a Non-self-adjoint Spectral Problem with a Spectral Parameter in the Boundary Condition in LebesgueSpaces, Caspian Journal of Applied Mathematics, Ecology and Economics V. 10, No 1, 2022, July. P.31-43
  3. Fatih Sirin, Yusuf Zeren, Telman Gasymov, On basicity of eigenfunctions of one discontinuous differential operator in Banach function spaces, Authorea. November 02, 2022
  4. Y. Zeren, Miqdad Ismailov, K. Acar, I. Aliyarova, On basicity of exponential and trigonometric systems in grand Lebesgue spaces,Hacet. J. Math. Stat., 2022, p.1-11 
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